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Seizing missed opportunities: How Sellesta tools boost ecommerce efficiency, growth, and sanity

As an ecommerce seller, you navigate a complex world that moves at breakneck speed. Every day, a deluge of new tools floods the market, each claiming to be the key to your success. In fact, the AI-enabled ecommerce solutions market is expected to reach US $16.8 billion by 2030.

Amidst this sea of options, a nagging anxiety persists: which tools should you choose, and which should you disregard? Is it wise to try out every tool that comes out?

Although it is tempting to test every tool in search of the perfect match, it isn’t practical. More often than not, chasing the latest tech can lead to wasted time and money without any real growth. Moreover, this blind pursuit of cutting-edge technology can lead to premature investments, resulting in bloated backends without tangible benefits. 

How to choose the tools for the highest ROI

Let’s take a look at some of the key criteria you should consider when choosing ecommerce tools. 

  • Budget: AI-based ecommerce tools can vary in price, so it’s important to consider your budget when selecting which tools to use. Determine what you can afford and prioritize the tools that will provide the most value for your investment.
  • Business goals: The tools you choose should align with your business goals. For instance, to increase sales or generate more traffic, you may consider tools that offer personalized product recommendations or help you optimize Google Ads descriptions. 
  • Pain points: Consider the specific pain points hampering your ecommerce business’s growth. If you’re struggling with expensive customer acquisition, consider tools that can help target your marketing efforts more effectively. If low customer retention is an issue, you may want to consider tools that offer loyalty programs or personalized product recommendations to keep customers engaged. By identifying your pain points and selecting tools that specifically address those, you can take a targeted approach to grow your online store and overcome the challenges holding you back.
  • Customer needs: Pay close attention to the feedback you receive from your customers through customer service channels, reviews, and social media interactions. Use this information to identify areas where you can improve the customer experience and pick the tools to solve their problems.
  • User-friendliness and bandwidth: Ensure the chosen tools are user-friendly and can be easily integrated into your ecommerce platform or online shop. Tools that require much technical expertise and dedicated team members or have a steep learning curve may not be the best fit for your business, especially in the first few years.

Introducing Sellesta: AI tools that deliver simplicity and ROI

Enter Sellesta, a global tech company that develops AI-powered tools for ecommerce. These tools are designed to alleviate the constant feeling of being overwhelmed experienced by ecommerce sellers, and support growth within three key sales arenas: online ads, webshops, and marketplaces. By consolidating all the necessary AI tools under a single umbrella, Sellesta allows you to see quick results without the stress of tool overload. The company operates with a goal to empower businesses of all sizes and maturity levels to better manage key customer journey steps and achieve optimal performance, conversion, and revenue growth.

Here are three benefits of using Sellesta AI tools for ecommerce sellers and managers:

1. Growth across key sales environments

Sellesta sets itself apart as the only ecommerce tools company that supports growth across the three primary sales environments: online ads, webshops, and marketplaces. By providing all-inclusive solutions under one umbrella, Sellesta AI tools enable merchants to create wholesome marketing campaigns that drive better engagement, customer loyalty, and increased sales. Sellesta offers three uniquely designed tools to achieve this:

  • Sellesta Acquire – Maximize ROI from Google Ads for e-shops and marketplaces. This AI-powered tool generates high-performance Google ad copy, eliminating the need for trial and error and saving valuable budget.
  • Sellesta Engage – Transform casual visitors into buyers on your webshop with customized quizzes that guide shoppers to their ideal products. The tool gathers relevant information through user-friendly questionnaires, analyzes responses, and presents the most suitable product selections. Check out the case study {add link} about how El Duende, a company selling modern board games, used Sellesta Engage to save money, optimize resources, and increase conversions.
  • Sellesta Discover – Enhance your Amazon listings and gain market insights with this dual-purpose tool. Sellesta Discover helps ecommerce sellers and managers in two ways: it improves product listings with AI-generated keyword suggestions and has the capability to deliver comprehensive, AI-powered reports on sales, revenue, pricing, and market share at the brand or ASIN level. It is a valuable resource for Amazon sellers who want to enhance their product listings and understand their market position. 

By focusing on the most crucial online sales environments, Sellesta AI tools promote complete growth for online sellers under one roof.

2. Accessibility and expertise 

At Sellesta, we understand the importance of using technology to create value for our users. Our core competence lies in developing AI-based tools that are efficient, practical, and cater to the specific needs of ecommerce sellers and managers. These tools are designed to have a tangible impact on your daily tasks and contribute significantly to your growth. Here, we outline two key traits that make Sellesta AI tools efficient for ecommerce managers.

  • Easy accessibility and implementation: One of our primary goals is to make AI-based automation easily accessible to ecommerce sellers and marketers without the need for IT teams. That’s why the Sellesta products are user-friendly, simple to implement, and don’t require a dedicated team for maintenance. Unlike many tools on the market that come with complex technology requiring external expertise, Sellesta tools are designed to achieve ROI without burdening early-stage ecommerce sellers with additional hires.
  • Global reach with local expertise: Sellesta’s AI tools support businesses in local languages while also offering multilingual support for those looking to expand across borders. Our unique approach enables businesses to excel in both local and international markets, catering to the specific needs of each.

By adhering to these two core principles, Sellesta develops efficient tools that provide real value to end users. 

3. Control and simplicity 

Sellesta’s unique approach to tool development is grounded in addressing the real needs of end users, ensuring zero overwhelm and practical solutions. The company is committed to offering a one-stop shop for valuable ecommerce tools by continuously adapting to market evolution and incorporating user feedback.

This effectively means that innovation at Sellesta is centered around actively listening to feedback, experimenting, and learning from real business cases. With a focus on real world results, we strive to make improvements and adjustments quickly. This ensures our users remain competitive as AI tech and the customer journey evolve with time.

That is how we build and deliver tools that stand the test of time. Specifically, Sellesta only supports the development of tools that cater to the most crucial stages of growth:

  • Acquisition – Increase traffic from ads to your website with Sellesta Acquire
  • Engagement – Boost engagement rates and conversions with Sellesta Engage
  • Discovery – Enhance performance, optimize keywords, and elevate revenue with Sellesta Discover

This unique development process distinguishes Sellesta from competitors, who often focus on adding new tech features without considering their real-world application or necessity.

Selecting the right tools is critical for success
Selecting the appropriate tools for your online store is essential to achieving success and minimizing stress. Choosing tools that will help you resolve your issues and avoid making you feel overwhelmed is crucial. The right tools will always bring efficiency, growth, and sanity into your business, making it easier to handle day-to-day operations.

With Sellesta Al tools, you can witness the three core benefits of efficiency, growth, and control in action. To find out more about how you can benefit.

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