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A quick guide to Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads

As an Amazon seller with a registered brand, you have an advantage that can significantly boost your business: access to Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads. These ads are highly effective in enhancing your brand visibility and outshining competitors.

What sets these ads apart are two things; first, they usually appear on top of the search results; second, they create an exclusive shopping experience. Once customers click, they are immersed in your brand universe without distractions from competitor products. Customers go straight into an Amazon landing page designed specifically for your brand. 

Nevertheless, setting up a good campaign is not easy. The competition is fierce and settings need to be precise in order to work properly.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how Sponsored Brand Ads work, how they differ from other Amazon ads, the steps to set them up, and some tips to make the most of your campaigns.

What are Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads?

If you’ve ever searched for a product on Amazon, you’ve likely encountered Sponsored Brands ads featuring some products at the top of the first page. These banner advertisements showcase the brand logo, tagline, and a product or selection of products. 

As we’ve mentioned before, sellers and agencies love these ads because of two reasons: they appear at the top of the page, and they create a focused brand experience. Being at the top of the first page is crucial because 70% of Amazon customers never click past it. On the other hand, offering customers a noise-free shopping experience can improve your conversion rates. Clicking on these ads directs users to your Amazon store, landing page, or specific product listing, eliminating distractions from competing products and ads.

Amazon’s blog is full of case studies showing how a well-crafted Sponsored Brand Ads campaign can increase conversion rates by 2x and lower ACoS all the way to 13%.

Like other Amazon ads, Sponsored Brands ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, targeting specific keyword searches. When a customer enters a relevant keyword, your ad appears among the results. You’ll only pay Amazon when someone clicks on your ad. As with other ad platforms, you have complete control over your keyword bids and daily spending, ensuring that your advertising efforts align with your marketing budget.

How are they different from sponsored product ads and sponsored display ads?

Speaking frankly, all Amazon Ads help you drive sales because customers are already on Amazon for a reason: to buy. Nevertheless, each type responds to a different stage of the marketing funnel. Sponsored Brand Ads are great for creating brand awareness and help during the consideration stage. Sponsored Product Ads and Display Ads can tilt the balance in your favor during the consideration stage.

Here are a few other things that set them apart:

Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads Formats

As of today, there are four formats for Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads: product collection, spotlight, video, and product collection for mobile. It’s essential not to overlook the mobile format because it’s different from desktops and nowadays many people shop on their phones.

Product collection

It displays your logo, a tagline, and three products with a star rating. Choose your best-rated products: a low rating might hurt your clicks.



It shows your logo, a tagline, and the main categories of your store (your Amazon store sub-pages). It’s useful when you are focused on brand awareness and don’t intend to boost specific products. The store must have at least three sub-pages to be eligible for this type of campaign.


Product collection for mobile

It shows an image, your logo, and a few products of your choice. It might sound obvious, but you should always use a good photo. According to Amazon, campaigns that use a custom image in Sponsored Brands ads on mobile see a 2.2x higher CTR vs. campaigns that show no products.



This format allows you to use 6-45 seconds video ads, which are displayed on mobile and desktop. According to Amazon stats, advertisers who launched a Sponsored Brands video campaign increased impressions by 28% , clicks by 33%, CTR by 2%, and had a 4% growth in ROAS.


Steps to set up an Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads campaign

  1. Create your campaign.
    Sign into your account, go to Campaign Manager, click “Create a new campaign,” and select Sponsored Brands.
  2. Set name, duration, and budget.
    Use recognizable naming you can describe in more detail. This way, you’ll be able to recognize and compare this campaign to others. Amazon recommends setting the duration with no time limit and spending at least $10 USD a day per campaign.
  3. Choose the format and where you’re taking your customers.
    Select a format based on the needs we discussed above. You can take your shoppers to your Amazon Store (in which case, it should look fantastic!) or a product detail page.
  4. Select your targeting strategy.
    You can target through product categories or search queries made by your customers. Amazon recommends including at least 25 keywords in your campaigns with a mix of match types—broad, phrase, and exact. Broad match gives you more traffic exposure, while phrase and exact match can help you get quality leads. It’s important to note that you don’t need zillions of keywords either: the limit is 50 per campaign.
  5. Measure results and optimize
    Regularly analyze the campaign performance using Amazon’s analytics tools, then optimize your ads by adjusting keywords, bids, or creative elements based on the data to maximize your ROI and achieve your campaign goals.

AI can help you create and manage your Amazon Ads campaigns

There are great marketing tools that can help you craft your Amazon Ads campaigns, maximizing your results, your budget and saving you many hours of work. Through cutting-edge AI and expert human monitoring, Sellesta Amazon Ads is the best example. It offers a full-cycle management service that takes care of every detail of your campaign.

Sellesta Amazon Ads Features
• Customized ad strategies made by cutting edge AI + a whole team of experts.
• Full service, no worries: planning, execution and maintenance of your campaigns.
• 100% of keywords will be optimized with machine power.
• Responds and changes with Amazon algorithms. 
• Forget about reports and save hours: detailed dashboards to understand your campaign performance.
• Analyzes the market and historical customer data.
• Learn when your competitors are out of stock of certain items, and when their pricing changes.
• Get insights on competitor sales, revenues, market shares and BSR.
• Sport opportunity: identify the best markets for entry in terms of ROI.
• Get category analysis: price segments, competitors, review analysis.

Read more

By providing valuable insights from the market about competitors and adapting to market changes, Sellesta takes care of your campaigns with machine power that no human can resemble. Some sellers have increased sales by 3.7x, exceeding expectations and cutting down their ACoS.

If you want to see Sellesta in action, helping you thrive as an Amazon seller, book a demo!

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